Enchanted - What’s new in 2024?
By Anton Chernikov, Founder at Selgars
Enchanted is a community-led gathering that we host at Selgars Mill every year. The purpose of this gathering is to create a space where we can reconnect with ourselves, nature and each other at a deeper level.
Last year we invited lots of different speakers and experts to run sessions. It was a great event but we wanted to do something different this year, that would challenge us as a team and also build on the feedback we got from last year’s participants. Having an event packed with workshops, talks and activities can create a feeling of FOMO and anxiety as you jump from session to session. You absorb lots of new information but there isn’t enough time left to integrate and engage with that content on a personal and group level.
This is why we have decided not to invite formal speakers for Enchanted 2024 but instead to focus our energy as a core team on facilitating a single track experience.
All the time and energy that we spent last year chasing different speakers to run sessions or join panels we are now investing into designing the details of how we will be space-holding and enabling a more personal, embodied and co-created gathering.
Enchanted is about slowing down, unlearning, questioning, relating, sensing and trusting in the magic of the moment. Our vision is to design and facilitate an experience that awakens your childlike wonder and leaves everyone feeling more energised, inspired and regenerated in both mind and body.
The golden thread of the gathering is the idea of living the questions together as a community.
We have chosen 4 universal elements that enable us to live a regenerative life; Water/Health, Earth/Home, Fire/Wealth & Air/Relationship. We will be exploring these themes through a series of enquiry sessions that will get us out of our conditioned patterns of thinking in order to explore new perspectives and possibilities for action and change in our lives.
We have also given more space and priority to the tribe meetings. We want to create a practice of daily integration and sense-making. This is what the tribes are all about; to debrief, share learnings and spark ideas for co-creation.
We have designed the programme in a way that will help to deepen the sense of connectedness and trust within the group, which in turn allows us to be more vulnerable, open and courageous in the sessions and conversations that follow. There is also even more space and time for us all to play, paint, dance, share stories and hang out together in the magical setting that Selgars provides.

It has taken months of refinement but we have landed on a programme that looks like this...

Is Enchanted the right event for you?
We are all on our own life journey and figuring out how to live in a better way and make a positive impact on the world around us. The practice of being in community and in nature really helps. It is how we grow. It is how we heal. We need this time to question why things are the way that they are. To awaken our childlike wonder. To listen. To slow down. To reflect and reset.
So many of us are tired of the system that we live in. We feel and carry this tiredness in our bodies. Events like Enchanted help us to release this tiredness and replace it with more hope and creativity. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them. A different quality of listening, learning and leadership is required to transition us towards a more regenerative and thriving future. Enchanted offers a collective space for us to explore, experiment and envision the future we wish to build.
To be 'enchanted' is to experience a profound and whole-hearted participation in the adventure of life. The enchanted life is one which is intuitive, embraces wonder and fully engages the creative imagination - but is also deeply embodied, ecological, grounded in place and community. Enchantment is about being fully present in the world. It is from this place that the seeds of change and transformation grow best.
Dates are 3-7th July 2024.
Here is the link to the website - www.enchanted.org.uk
Here is a short video - https://youtu.be/rUecRMDrNg0
Here is the link to register - https://airtable.com/shr1Nszh6VUkN3L5s
I hope you can make it this year.